Ülemiste City
Ülemiste City Future Forum

Communication that changes minds.

By the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of how communication works and the various factors at play in both their personal and professional situations. They will learn how to communicate effectively in order to get their desired results and ensure their message gets across. Additionally, they will gain an understanding of the importance of building rapport in a team environment and how it can affect the workplace. Finally, attendees will have a comprehensive set of solutions to use in order to be more successful with their communication, team collaboration and presentations.
Maht: 1 h
Koolituskrediidi kohti 8
Tasulisi kohti: 99 (20€)
Keel: inglise keeles
Algus: määramata
Registreerimine: määramata
Linas Staršeslskis
Video lecture

Video lecture

Kursuse kontakt
Koolituskrediit (koolituskrediit@eek.ee)