This seminar is specially designed for Business and Management students to give them some technical knowledge and understanding how engineerings are working and thinking. It is a mandatory part of our Double Degree programms with our International Technical Management program what combines Business with necessary basic knowledge.
The seminar is Online and it is DAAD funded and therefor free of charge for all students. For those who want to get a first impression and contact to our programs it cold be a good start. And we recommend the seminar befor students start with the study plan at HE and are interested in some more technical lectures.
1. Introduction session: 27th of June (via Webex)
2. Self learning time: starting 01st of July
3. Live online exercises: starting 15th of July
4. Online exam: 19th of July, 26th of July and 2nd of August
Exam: Online
Webex, camera and printer required
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