Data used in business and economics are not very often precise numbers, vectors, or categories. Real data are frequently "fuzzy", e.g. quality of life indicators, environmental indicators, but also biological, medical, sociological, and economic data. However, many practical decisions need the analysis of such ambiguous, imprecise, or subjective data (e.g. consumers choices, marketing, logistics, and management. The program offers a comprehensive review of methods, software, and practical applications. Therefore it is suitable for students as well as practitioners. The students are welcome to bring to the program their own datasets which the tutor will help to analyze as a practical project.
This program provides a review of the theoretical foundations and applied methods of new modern technology of mathematical modeling of management, production, and broader economic problems - fuzzy modeling - in the context of solving practical problems of economic analysis, marketing, logistics, management, and creation and use of software and information technology. The purpose of the program is to provide practitioners and students, including masters, and graduate students with opportunities to learn the basics of fuzzy set theory and practical skills in fuzzy modeling. The successful graduate of the program receives:
1. Practical skills for developing applications of fuzzy data analysis;
2. Skills in the creation of applied computer decision-making models based on fuzzy logic approaches;
3. Skills in using specialized software for various management, marketing, business, and economic tasks.
The program takes place in session training in Tartu University's Delta Building with web support in the Moodle environment. In session learning, teaching takes place through a combination of video lectures and webinars, supported by independent readings and assignments in the Moodle environment. |
According to the conditions for passing substances. In order to obtain the microcredit program certificate, it is necessary to successfully pass 100% of the subjects with a total volume of 12 ECTS. |
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