This interactive lecture discusses paths to joyful learning, and ways to increase academic readiness by mitigating academic burnout related to, for example, experiences of highstake testing and standardised language testing.
Building intercultural competence and increasing 21st century transferable skills through experiential learning methods, project-based learning, formative assessment, and similar strategies to mitigate academic burnout and facilitate community engagement is increasingly important in internationalized, globalised, higher education.
From this perspective, the content is also linked to frameworks for global education, such as the OECD Learning Compass and the UNICEF Global Framework on Transferable Skills.
The topics included are also in line with much of the development at Jönköping University towards inclusive internationalisation and virtual exchange that is ongoing at HLK, the School of Education and Communication.
The aim is to clarify how joy of learning and academic readiness exists in the overlapping space between transferable skills, digital literacy, intercultural competence and changing practices.
Video lecture
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